Cystopurin Granules (6)

OTC Products
  • Cystopurin Granules (6)

Cystopurin Granules (6)

OTC Products


    NOTE: You must complete a short assessment so we can make sure the medication for this condition is suitable for you.


    What is Cystopurin 3g Granules With Natural Cranberry Juice Extract Sachets?

    Cystopurin Sachets are a treatment that works to provide relief for the effects of cystitis. The active ingredient in these sachets is potassium citrate, which is an alkaline treatment that reduces the acidity in the urine, which is a symptom of cystitis.

    What causes cystitis?

    Cystitis is a condition that is caused by an infection or inflammation in the bladder. In most cases, it is not a serious condition and will have effect for a short period of time. It is said that 4 in 5 women will experience cystitis at some point in their lives. Cystitis is mainly caused by bacteria getting into the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body), though this is not always the cause. Other causes of cystitis include:

    • Being diabetic
    • Being pregnant
    • Wiping from back to front after going to the toilet
    • Using a urinary catheter
    • Having sex
    • Having a weakened immune system

    Women are more likely to experience cystitis than men because the gap between the back passage and urethra is shorter. Also, the urethra itself is shorter, which means it is easier for bacteria to get to the bladder.

    Side Effects

    Are there any side effects?

    Like with any medicine, there is a chance of side effects. There could be stomach irritation when using these sachets. If you notice any side effect, speak to a doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible. You can also record a side effect using the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.


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